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IBFCAlliance in Numbers

Trusted by the 10 biggest banks in Nigeria
years of experience


The Budgetary Control and Financial Modelling course was insightful and very beneficial to my daily functions. The Knowledge gained from the training will enhance the speed at which I accomplish my deliverables.

Augustine Erumusele
Head, Fin. & Accounts, Ocean Marine Security Limited

The IBFCAlliance’s Seminar on "The Multi-Fund Regulation: Opportunities & Risks for Nigerian PFAs in Equities Investment" was quite insightful. It gave us a clearer view on the benefits of investing in equities with a longer-term objective.

Pelumi Jaiyesimi
Head, Risk - Leadway Pensure

The IBFCAlliance Seminar on "The Multi-Fund Regulation: Opportunities & Risk for Nigerian PFAs in Equities Investment" was interactive being that it enabled us to modify the presenter's opinion given our experience in the industry and highly…

Justine Anyadiegwu
Funds Accountant - Fidelity Pension Managers

The ‘Budgetary Control and Financial Modelling Training’ has sharpened my skills and increased my appetite for financial data analysis and has taught me more ways of presenting results in a captivating manner.

Agu Mba
Budget Accountant, MTN

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Training Program was really value adding. Delivery of the topics was clear and precise with industry examples. Great Job.

Akindayomi Faseun
Financial Reporting Manager, MTN Nigeria

The IBFCAlliance training program on “Portfolio Management” was very well presented by extremely knowledgeable and professional facilitators. I found their sessions to be very interactive which helped facilitate better understanding.

Tayo Ajayi
Portfolio Manager, NSIA

The IBFCAlliance’s Seminar on "The Multi-Fund Regulation: Opportunities & Risks for Nigerian PFAs in Equities Investment" was a very informative, well-researched, and relevant seminar.

Modupe Odusola
Head, Compliance, AXA Mansard Pensions

The Seminar on "The Nigerian Banking Industry: A Strategic Outlook" was quite insightful. There was an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced in the industry and where the next phase for sustainable growth in the sector. The Seminar also proffered…

Aramide Ojo
Head Investment Management, Leadway Pensure PFA

The IBFCAlliance training program on “Effective Business Writing, Communication and Presentation Skills” is an expository training and I recommend it to anyone who which to speak and write well.

Lawrence Ogungbemi
Compliance Officer, Stanbic IBTC Pension Mangers

At IBFCAlliance’s Seminar on "The Multi-Fund Regulation: Opportunities & Risks for Nigerian PFAs in Equities Investment" , the discussions were apt and related to very pertinent issues in the Pension Industry. 

Akinyemi Sadiku
Head, Investment - AIICO Pensions

The IBFCAlliance Seminar on "The Multi-Fund Regulation: Opportunities & Risks for Nigerian PFAs in Equities Investment" was valuable and we also discussed reality. 

Chibuzor Ogbonna
Head, Market and Credit Risk - Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers

The IBFCAlliance training program on “Portfolio Management” was very effective and impactful. It will definitely help me in a more functional job role in my industry. Great facilitators and delivery.

Popoola Wale
Investment Analyst, AIICO Pension Management

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IBFCAlliance Limited
9th Floor, UBA House, 57 Marina
Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 1 270-2298-9
